As the main partner of the HIRA (Hybrid InfraRed System for Affective computing) project, we are proud to inform you that yesterday we successfully conducted the kick-off meeting at our new headquarters in Pescara. Funded by the European Union's Eureka Eurostars programme, the HIRA project will bring to the market the most advanced and miniaturized system for affective computing that will act in real time and without contact.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to Forgione Marco, Maroni Gabriele and Pura Filippo (SUPSI – IDSIA) for their presence. In addition, we express our gratitude to Piga Dario (SUPSI – IDSIA), Micchelucci Umberto and Egurtzegi Aitor (TOELT GmbH), and Chinthakindi Manish (Next2U s.r.l.) for their remote participation.
It is through the collective efforts of our team members Latiano Gianfranco, Merla Arcangelo, Nocco Sergio, Patibandla Chandrika, Savino Filippo, Tiberio Alessandro, Tritto Michele and Chinthakindi Manish that we were able to successfully organize this meeting.
Stay tuned for future developments!